But don’t literally spill the wine…
We got a bottle of mulled wine
@chipgreen Was it a White Elephant gift, or a well-intentioned klunker (“I know they like wine, let’s get them this special one”)?
@InFrom The latter. Well intentioned from a thrifty friend who enjoys it. $5 at Aldi’s!
@chipgreen Such a deal! And thoughtful, you don’t have to fuss with all that mulling, it’s pre-mulled!
But don’t literally spill the wine…
We got a bottle of mulled wine
@chipgreen Was it a White Elephant gift, or a well-intentioned klunker (“I know they like wine, let’s get them this special one”)?
The latter. Well intentioned from a thrifty friend who enjoys it. $5 at Aldi’s!
@chipgreen Such a deal! And thoughtful, you don’t have to fuss with all that mulling, it’s pre-mulled!